Cibling, an acronym for Campus Sibling is a worldwide network to promote sibling-like warm-hearted interaction and collaboration among students and academics around the world. Cibling aims to create an easy-going but dependable relationship among its members with a commitment of mutual advantage and comfort. Members within this network will consider each others as campus siblings rather than just superficial ‘friend’
Existing social networks create loose connections among the members. In most of the cases, the friendship within these networks is very superficial and that is why when someone needs any real help, the response is rather sparse and limited to only expression of words. Increasing number of social media users are growing repulsion towards such empty expressions. Cibling is a real refreshing change in this regard. It implies more deeper connections and promises a more meaningful interaction among its member Cibling by definition will remove the uneasiness of romantic advancement within the close network of a user. Students and academics will be able to fend off any such advancements within the framework of Cibling whenever they have to. This is an added benefit over any existing social network and promises a more open and comfortable interactions among people around the world. The users can build their connections based on mutual understanding and matched interests in academic and non-academic matters.